There's something about rockets that never ceases to captivate young minds. The Sangamon rocketry program offers boys the chance to build, decorate, and most importantly, LAUNCH model rockets. The process naturally includes learning about the physics of flight and working with our instructor in a supervised creative environment. Rockets can be built from kits ranging in level from beginner to advanced, or campers can build something of their own design from our collection of spare parts.
The newest addition to Camp Sangamon's activity offerings is also a return to our historical past. The Sangaforge was cold from the late 70s until 2011. We aim to teach campers the ancient art of forging decorative and useful creations. Working in a building built by our staff from materials largely harvested from Camp Sangamon's woods, our passionate, skilled staff members put an emphasis on safety, creativity, and learning while helping the campers to create some truly remarkable projects.
From ghost-hunting paranormal activity to stealth paparazzi missions targeting our on-camp celebrities, our balck and white film photography program balances fun with learning. We have a fully equipped dark-room, expert staff and a range of cameras, old and new. This is not the digital photography your son might learn in school- we teach how to shoot, develop, and print pictures the way they've been doing it since camp began.
Set in the oldest building on camp, our amazing antique barn, the Woodshop bursts at the seams with campers keen to get building. From tables and chairs to music equipment and cabin modifications, there’s no limit to the projects campers dream up and create.
Our team of skilled and responsible woodshop leaders are always there to provide help, guidance and fun, as well as ensuring a high standard of safety.
In addition to the ubiquitous friendship bracelets and potholders, Camp Sangamon is one of a very few boys' camps in the country to offer full floor-loom weaving. It's not always easy to find instructors for this unique craft, but when you see what can be created on one of our beautifully maintained antique looms we think you'll see why we work so hard to keep this activity in our repertoire. In addition to the obvious rewards that come with the creation of a hand-woven project,We have tiered achievement levels to reward campers as they learn new skills and techniques.
Our pottery program lets campers get their hands dirty, as they learn to create from clay whatever their imagination can conjure. From useful household items to cute hand made clay animals to downright weird clay monsters, creations spring from our kiln weekly. Our knowledgable and enthusiastic pottery instructors really get the creative juices flowing while passing on practical skills and techniques to each camper.
The Camp Sangamon Drama program contributes to nearly all aspects of camp life. Whether it is creating a play of its own, bringing to life the skit inside a camper's mind, working with the oldest cabins on their cabin one act plays, or simply working to costume participants in one of our many special activities, Drama courses through our lives at Sangamon. There are numerous opportunities for skits each session, and the campers work to adapt and produce a full play for the camp in both the first and third sessions each summer.
Arts & Crafts
On a rainy day, Arts and Crafts is arguably Camp Sangamon's most popular activity. With a brand new building completed by our staff and trainees in July 2012, the Arts and Crafts facility is the envy of all of our other indoor activities. Whether it is painting, modeling, silkscreening, or crafting any number of exciting and fun projects, our Arts and Crafts instructors guide each camper's creations with true enthusiasm. Camp Sangamon offers the best of the arts and crafts world to our campers, and it is truly one of our most important programs. And, as you can see in the photo, on Wednesday, we paint the pig!